Monday, February 13, 2012

Shifting Energies


Peaceful feelings are beginning to fill me more often. I still haven't decided how I feel about this. I had to really think about whether it was apathy or true inner peace and I believe it's true peace.

You see, there are people who have entered my life and exited almost as swiftly. Only, recently I made the conscious decision to shut them out. Interestingly enough, I do not feel as though I don't care what happens to them. Instead I wish them peace.


I haven't felt very good over the last couple days. Because of that I didn't reach my physical goals, but this time I do not feel guilty about it. Instead I feel good that I listened to what my body was telling me and I recovered a lot faster than I thought.  I think I'm completely over whatever it was and I'm looking forward to getting on the bike again tomorrow and continuing this cool journey. Of course, I also intend to keep going with the hooping and other stuff, too.


Yes, I got back on the bike today. I was really surprised to feel so wonderful about it. I didn't go very fast, but I did keep a good pace and finished up with more than seventeen miles. I might be a little sore tomorrow, but it will be worth it. I know the scale isn't changing as quickly as I would like, but I'm not unhappy with it. I know the muscles are changing and that means more than a number on the scale. After all, I want this to be long term. I fully intend to be able to skip and dance when I get to the Glastonbury Tor.


I love waking with a smile. The last few Fridays have been like that. Some of it is because of Love, some is the knowledge that the shop updates are waiting, some is that it's the end of the week and I look forward to spending some relaxing time away from this town. Mostly, it's because... Life is good.


I didn't have the time or patience to write yesterday. The Jeep died. At the first place I stopped. That created the need to postpone all my errands and to spend money on a cab home, but all in all it wasn't that bad. Kevin fixed the cable after work and everything is back to working order. After that, it was time to relax.

I want to talk about a movie, but I'm going to use that for a regular blog post instead of here. It's important that I get all my thoughts out for it. I can explain in that post the reason, but not here.

I tried to explain a feeling last night and realized that the human languages are just not enough. Perhaps after I have left this body I will find the way to express all that is encompassed in the moments I was trying to describe, but there simply is no way to do that now. Still, even with the limits of our words, I think I got my meaning across. I think it helped that the one listening was hearing with their Spirit and not just their ears.


What a beautiful sunny day! I woke around 4 this morning and listened to the house and the world around me. I nearly sent a text just to share that moment. Instead I lit a candle and sent out peace and love to where it was needed most. I hope this day goes well for everyone.

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